Who are we

Newbury Soup Kitchen is a charity set up on 2017 that provides essential support to vulnerable and homeless individuals in Newbury and the surrounding areas. Established to address food insecurity and social isolation, the kitchen offers free hot meals, drinks, and other basic necessities such as toiletries and clothing. Beyond immediate relief, Newbury Soup Kitchen connects people with critical services, including housing assistance, mental health support, and addiction recovery programs. Operating through the dedication of volunteers and donations from local businesses and individuals, the charity fosters a compassionate, community-driven approach to addressing poverty and homelessness.

We provide a comprehensive hot meal provision, a friendly face and welcome opportunity to sit chat, offload and feel safe. A warm welcome awaits anyone wishing to socialise, find support, enjoy a fresh cooked hot meal and interact with likeminded people.

Newbury Soup Dragons were formed in 2023 connecting local businesses with strong community minded leaders with our charity with quarterly breakfast meetings and lot’s going on in between!

THURSDAY sessions at the Salvation Army also offer haircuts, Samaritans, drug and alcohol outreach, Community Nurse, fuel debt outreach. This is to compliment the other basic provisions and amenities such as shower and laundry tokens, Foodbank referral, toiletries, emergency food/kettle hot water packs, tents, sleeping bags warm clothes to name a few. If a person comes to us with a problem, if we cannot help, we will find someone who can. We rent the Salvation Army Hall Newbury Soup Kitchen is independent of the Salvation Army.

TUESDAYS: We provide individual outreach services where our clients can access Optometry services free of charge. Oue wonderful Community Nurse comes 2-4pm on a Tuesday to support homeless, vulnerable clients who may not find it easy to engage with traditional medical routes. This bespoke support highlights serious health issues and illnesses that may have gone undiagnosed.

These services are essential to start the journey of engagement, building trust with our clients and making a difference to people who perhaps no hope in life. Newbury Soup Kitchen works hard to give back HOPE.

WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAYS: We have a wonderful food truck that is loaded with all the provision required to support people who are rough sleeping, sofa surfing and vulnerably housed. The service is held from The Wharf 6-7pm on Wednesdays and 5-6pm on Saturdays. A hot meal and takeaway parcel are available for all. The food like a Thursday is cooked fresh by qualified volunteers from fresh donated food from local supermarkets.

We are busy every day outside our food sessions. We have a wonderful network of volunteers who provide support with housing, benefits applications, fuel debt support and day to day issues that arise.

Click on the logo in the footer to visit the official Newbury Soup Kitchen website.